We have a 100percent No-Free-Mixing rules. When you and another user fit we match between both of you relaying their information together until relationship discussion progress to a phase where you both need ask their contact details be replaced insha’Allah. If during this period the Muslima had not already engaging her mahram we would verify the girl Wali/mahram ended up being involved before every contact information end up being traded.
We realize that Muslimas , and around 40percent of Muslima memebers mentioned they require or could need help with this. Thus in cases like this, we’d offer support and help with discovering a sharia-compliant Wali/mahram when it comes to Muslima insha’Allah. May Allah give you decrease inside research and triumph in this existence and after that. Ameen
- 90per cent of feminine members mentioned they wear hijab. 18.1per cent mentioned they wear niqab. 90% 90per cent
- 76.7percent of female users mentioned they review Qur’an each week. 27.3% mentioned they read Qura’n each day. 76.7% 76.7%