
Pure Muslim Match is for practising Muslims that happen to be intent on looking for a wife or husband

Pure Muslim Match is for practising Muslims that happen to be intent on looking for a wife or husband

We have a 100percent No-Free-Mixing rules. When you and another user fit we match between both of you relaying their information together until relationship discussion progress to a phase where you both need ask their contact details be replaced insha’Allah. If during this period the Muslima had not already engaging her mahram we would verify the girl Wali/mahram ended up being involved before every contact information end up being traded.

We realize that Muslimas , and around 40percent of Muslima memebers mentioned they require or could need help with this. Thus in cases like this, we’d offer support and help with discovering a sharia-compliant Wali/mahram when it comes to Muslima insha’Allah. May Allah give you decrease inside research and triumph in this existence and after that. Ameen

  • 90per cent of feminine members mentioned they wear hijab. 18.1per cent mentioned they wear niqab. 90% 90per cent
  • 76.7percent of female users mentioned they review Qur’an each week. 27.3% mentioned they read Qura’n each day. 76.7% 76.7%

94.1percent of male users said they prevented free of charge blending. 68.8% mentioned they just don’t free combine, whilst 25.3per cent said they merely free-mix at the job.

  • 78.2percent of male customers mentioned they expand their unique mustache no less than to fist lengh. 45.3% stated they never ever clipped their own beard. 78.2percent 78.2%
  • 74.8% of of men customers mentioned they study Qur’an weekly. 35.5percent mentioned they study Qura’n on a daily basis day. 74.8% 74.8percent

100percent of members mentioned they hope 5x daily. 18.2% of women &15.1% of males mentioned they accidently neglect Fajr, praying it a short while later.

  • 78.2percent of male people said they expand their particular beard about to fist lengh. 45.3per cent said they never slashed their own beard. 78.2% 78.2percent
  • 74.8per cent of of men users mentioned they review Qur’an each week. 35.5% said they read Qura’n each and every day time. 74.8% 74.8per cent
Who works Natural Muslim Match?

I’m Danial Morteza and I also started this . I proceed with the theories from the Qur’an and Sunnah and my primary priority are is always to please Allah utilizing the ways this specific service are run. From a humble beginning Pure Muslim Match has now grown to attain an international audience, with brand-new users joining weekly.

May Allah soothe your research for a spouse and grant people achievements contained in this life and the subsequent. Ameen.

Could it possibly be truly 100percent complimentary?

Don’t be concerned escort services in Davie, once we say the complimentary we mean it. There are not any concealed costs. This service membership try 100per cent free of charge.

Exactly how varied would be the members?

Our people are extremely diverse. We’ve got customers that happen to be English, American, Pakistani, Moroccan, Kenyan, Palestinian, Bangladeshi, Saudi, and many various other members off their backgrounds as well. We Dr’s, designers, motorists, IT professionals, black, white, brown. Among the issues each of them customers have commonly is the fact that they tend to be practising Muslims, Alhamdulillah.

a€?O mankind! We’ve got produced you from a men and a female, making you into places and tribes, that you may possibly understand one another. Verily, the most honourable people with Allaah is that (believer) having al-taqwa [i.e., is just one of the muttaqoon or pious]. Verily, Allaah are All-Knowing, All-Awarea€?

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon your) was reported for mentioned: a€?O men and women! Verily their Lord is One and your grandfather [Adam] is but one. An Arab isn’t any much better than a non-Arab, and a non-Arab is not any much better than an Arab; a red people isn’t any better than a black guy and a black people isn’t any much better than a red man a€“ unless it’s regarding taqwa (piety)…a€?

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